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"Up Close and Personal" Art Exhibition

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"Up-close and Personal" Art Exhibition

Event Summary

Jun 30, 2024
Event Summary

May and June 2024

Treat yourself to an artistic perspective that is up-close and familiar.

May and June 2024

Treat yourself to an artistic perspective that will feel up close and familiar.  Our artists' works will dazzle you with a close-up look at humans, animals, and everyday objects.  Be prepared to be dazzled by detailed views that enlighten your perspective.

The artwork featured in the show was created by accomplished Cincinnati artists, including Ken Landon Buck, Chris Krupinski, Tracey Ellis Haynes, Dana Olsen, Priya Rama, Thomas Stead, and others.

Many of the artists in the show have achieved signature status in societies nationwide and have won “Best of Show” awards in top juried national and international exhibitions. Some are full-time professional artists and teachers while others are weekend hobbyists. All demonstrate incredible vision, talent, and skill.

ARTclectic Gallery is honored to exhibit the exceptional artwork of accomplished artists living in the Cincinnati region. Visitors will be amazed by the extraordinary talent on display, at a wide array of price points.

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